MVI Systems (MVI), the industry’s leading AI-powered, automatic smart video door system, has recently announced that they will be expanding their capabilities by teaming up with PDK (ProdataKey). This partnership allows a seamless integration that increases the insights and data that property managers and owners rely on to make better decisions while also increasing their property’s efficiency and safety.

In the property management technology space, partnerships mean everything. PDK, recognized by Mountain West Capital Network as one of the top 100 fastest-growing companies, brings twelve years of access control solutions to MVI to help create a more powerful and secure system. PDK, the latest security software platform to be integrated with MVI, includes powerful, scalable applications that simplify the user experience while increasing safety. These applications include syncing with MVI, automatic resident directory updates, and 24/7 cloud access.

For property managers, increasing safety through mobile access and touchless solutions means an increase in revenue and tenant retention. It’s estimated that renters will pay up to 20% more to live in smart buildings.

"Both integrators and end users alike have been looking forward to a seamless integration between MVI & PDK products,”
explains Samuel Taub, Founder & CEO of MVI Systems.
“This integration allows our mutual clients to maintain just one database to manage updates and provides functionalities that no other systems can compete with."

MVI’s KeyCom® and MyKey™ solutions are interactive, smart video door entry systems that allow each resident or property manager to interact with visitors, wherever they are, and allow or deny access. These solutions feature facial recognition and AI technologies, a remote door release and 24/7 video capabilities, including capturing each access event in real-time. The MVI system can track cumulative absences, number of visitors, entrances, and exits per apartment, and more.
To learn more about MVI's patented technology, where Bluetooth proximity and facial recognition entry simplifies building access and integrates seamlessly with PDK and other smart access control software platforms, schedule a personalized demo at www.prodatakey.com/my-video-intercom-integration.
About MVI
MVI Systems is a software development company whose innovative team of designers and engineers have created a revolutionary product for the residential multifamily building market: the patented KeyCom® Smart Video Door Kiosk and Software Platform. KeyCom relies on a touch screen monitor and a smartphone app to enable residents to interact with guests and visitors with touchless Bluetooth entry and digital keys, creating a user-friendly occupant experience and offering a more secure means for accessing properties. Unlike other video door systems, KeyCom entry technology recognizes residents as they approach the system based on Bluetooth proximity-— enabling them to enter the building automatically in a matter of seconds.
About PDK
PDK is an award-winning cloud-based access control system featuring easy-to-use scalable solutions for maximum security, real-time updates, and more, all managed from a single, intuitive app on a smart device. PDK offers video surveillance, intercom systems, visitor management, and a wide variety of access control credential methods.