Picture this: you’re on vacation, picking up a tan while you lay on a lounge chair on the beach. You’re full from an all-you-can-eat hotel breakfast, the sound of waves is putting you to sleep, and you’re enjoying a moment of complete calm and relaxation. All of the sudden, the thought pops into your head: you forgot to set a holiday schedule at your office! Luckily, with ProdataKey (PDK), you don’t even need to get off your lounge chair to find a solution. Thanks to PDK’s cloud-based access control and easy on-the-go management, all you need to do is pull out your phone and make your updates right then and there. Vacation = saved.

What Is On-the-Go Management?
On-the-go management is the ability to manage a PDK system remotely, made possible by ProdataKey’s cloud-based access control solutions. This provides an increased layer of flexibility when it comes to access control management, empowering you to complete management tasks from any place in the world, no matter how far. Not only does this allow you to complete management tasks when off-site, but the mobile emphasis of on-the-go management guarantees that you can manage your system from even the most unconventional places, where using a device like a laptop or desktop computer would be impossible. Aaron Hernandez, an Access Control Engineer for Groove Technology Solutions, describes the convenience of on-the-go remote management through the mobile app:
“If I'm out somewhere and I get a call for help, it's easy to be able to just open up my phone without having to drag out my laptop, connect to an internet source, and go through that whole rigmarole.”
Aaron Hernandez
With this cloud-based on-the-go capacity, you can quickly address management needs from any place at any time.
Helping Installers and End Users Manage Access From Anywhere
PDK’s on-the-go management is a valuable tool for both installers and end users alike. Groove Technology Solutions, for instance, has installers spread throughout the United States. With on-the-go management of cloud-based PDK systems, Aaron can start setting up the management side of a system from his office in Utah as soon as the hardware is installed on-site in another state.
“Once the controller is online, I can remotely program or troubleshoot. I can even train people remotely if necessary,”
Aaron Hernandez
This means that Aaron, and any other ProdataKey dealer, can help end-users manage their systems, even if they are based in entirely different locations.

On-the-go management is important for installers as well as end-users who utilize PDK’s cloud-based systems on a daily basis. For instance, Groove often works with multi-dwelling units, where property managers need to administer multiple buildings and complexes at once. “On-the-go management means that while property managers are waiting to show a unit, they can take care of other management tasks at the same time,” Aaron explains. “Or right there in the unit, they can add somebody to a system as soon as they sign a contract.” So whether you’re an installer or a building manager, ProdataKey’s on-the-go management is an invaluable tool for you.
The ProdataKey App: Preserving the Full Access Control Management Experience
ProdataKey’s cloud-based access control ensures that systems can be managed from any place or time. And with the high-tech ProdataKey app, mobile users can also be sure that they’re experiencing the full range of management features available on the desktop platform.
Far too often, mobile applications tend to fall short compared to their web-based predecessors. Companies will compromise with the software, taking out certain features or reducing the overall functionality on a mobile system, compared to a desktop computer-based program. This isn’t the case with ProdataKey. “It's one of the things that I appreciate the most about the management experience–the fact that it feels seamless. Whether I'm on a web GUI or on the mobile app, they feel identical,” explains Aaron. ProdataKey’s app has been carefully designed to provide the same comprehensive management experience that you will receive if you are using the computer-based PDK.io platform. This ensures that not only can you have remote security management while on-the-go, but that management will be as efficient as ever.

With ProdataKey’s cloud-based access control, you’ll always be able to manage your system while on-the-go, no matter where you are in the world. So whether you’re at a beachside resort, out to dinner, showing apartments, or working from an office far away, you can rest assured that your PDK system will never be out of reach.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is remote access control management?
Remote access control management is the ability to manage an access control system without being on-site.
What is the ProdataKey app?
The ProdataKey app is a mobile application that allows PDK users to manage their access control system and utilize mobile credentials.
Is there a difference between the management capabilities on the ProdataKey app and the web platform?
No! Both platforms provide end users with the same assortment of management features and tools.