Introducing Tech Assist
It's like having a PDK support expert standing by your side. Tech Assist allows our support staff to see what you see by utilizing your smartphone's camera. How does it work? Our support staff texts you a link to the mobile app, then you just open the app and temporarily allow us to see what you see. Tech Assist eliminates any guesswork, increases efficiency, fast-tracks your support call.

120 years of combined experience. Answering calls in 20 seconds or less.
At PDK we are passionate about creating the best possible support experience. To accomplish this goal, we've hired three more seasoned low-voltage experts to our support team. We now have over 120 years of combined experience in support, and we're only operating at 65% capacity! Additionally, we have a standard that over 80% of our support calls are answered in 20 seconds or less.

Live product at every desk
To ensure our support technicians can walk you through every step, we've placed live product at each of their desks. We've found that this results in a better product experience, and minimizes the possibility of errors.